Sterling Residents!

You all own a part of the 1835 Town Hall, a beautiful structure in the Greek Revival style that sits proudly in the center of Town, across from the First Church of Sterling. Both buildings were built by Architect/Builder John Springer.

There was a third building built by John Springer, the Baptist Church that sat where the Municipal Building is now. But alas–that building is gone. Before photography, many sketches were drawn of the striking picture the four structures made. We cannot let another outstanding building go. Your help is needed.

On May 1, 2017, Sterling’s Annual Town Meeting will be held, and four articles pertaining to the Town Hall are listed in the Warrant. Article 16 (for $298.00) is the only one of the four that has the support of the 1835 Town Hall Committee and the Finance Committee. This Article requires NO tax increase!

The Town Hall is used by many of you, for many things, and the Recreation Dept. is housed there. The building needs a new roof (the present roof has been there for well over 100 years), and the roof support structure needs repair.

Who can say what the Town Hall will be used for in the future – purpose evolves over time and is ever changing. With your help, voting for Article 16, that amazing structure, shining bright white on the corner of Main and Maple Streets, with the four large and proud columns, will be there for today’s citizens, their children, on and on, for many decades to come.
Please take the time and come to our 2017 Town Meeting on May 1 and vote for Article 16 and save YOUR building.

Joann Drown/ Sterling